Within the US subgroup Hannover Re Real Estate Holdings, Inc., the special purpose property company 11 Stanwix LLC, Wilmington, was liquidated after the property that it held had been sold. The special purpose property company 7660SAN LLC (formerly 300 California, LLC), Wilmington, was also liquidated in the course of the year.
Hannover Rück SE and E+S Rückversicherung AG, both Hannover, each sold their 50% interests in Hannover Euro Private Equity Partners II GmbH & Co. KG and in Hannover Euro Private Equity Partners III GmbH & Co. KG, including the two subsidiaries HEPEP II Holding GmbH and HEPEP III Holding GmbH, all Cologne, effective 31 October 2017 as well as the shares in Hannover Euro Private Equity Partners IV GmbH & Co. KG, Cologne, effective 30 November 2017. Derecognition of the assets and liabilities gave rise to income of EUR 0.2 million, which was recognised in other comprehensive income.