Remuneration report
The remuneration report summarises the principles used to determine the remuneration of the Executive Board of Hannover Rück SE and explains the structure, composition and amount of the components of the remuneration received by the Executive Board in the 2015 financial year on the basis of the work performed by the Board members for Hannover Rück SE and companies belonging to the Group.
In addition, the amount of remuneration paid to the Supervisory Board on the basis of its work for Hannover Rück SE and companies belonging to the Group as well as the principles according to which this remuneration is determined are described; we also explain the principles on which the remuneration for senior executives below the level of the Executive Board is based.
The remuneration report is guided by the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code and contains information which forms part of the notes to the 2015 consolidated financial statement as required by IAS 24 “Related Party Disclosures”. Under German commercial law, too, this information includes data specified as mandatory for the notes (§ 314 HGB) and the management report (§ 315 HGB). These details are discussed as a whole in this remuneration report and presented in summary form in the notes.
The provisions of the Act on the Adequacy of Management Board Remuneration (VorstAG) and of the Insurance Supervision Act (VAG) in conjunction with the Regulation on the Supervisory Law Requirements for Remuneration Schemes in the Insurance Sector (VersVergV) have been observed. In addition, we took into account the more specific provisions of DRS 17 (amended 2010) “Reporting on the Remuneration of Members of Governing Bodies”.