The appointed auditor of the consolidated financial statement of Hannover Re as defined by § 318 German Commercial Code (HGB) is KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft (KPMG AG). The expense recognised for the fees paid to KPMG AG and worldwide member firms of KPMG International (KPMG) in the year under review can be broken down as follows:

Fee paid to the auditor
 2015 2014 
in EUR thousandKPMG worldwidethereof KPMG AGKPMG worldwidethereof KPMG AG
Services relating to auditing of the financial statements7,1251,6036,2711,415
Other assurance services534428515407
Tax consultancy services614152882460
Other services3,2533,2421,4621,411

The auditor responsible for performance of the audit engagement as defined by § 24a Para. 2 of the Professional Charter for Accountants / Certified Auditors (Berufssatzung WP / VBP) is Mr. Florian Möller. He served as the engagement partner responsible for the audit of the annual and consolidated financial statements for the first time as at 31 December 2015.