Our range of reinsurance products and services is geared to the needs of the market and our clients. Hannover Re is active in virtually all lines of reinsurance business. Our products range from traditional reinsurance to complex individual solutions for risk transfer and the optimisation of our clients’ capital requirements. As a leading player in the reinsurance industry, the commercial success of Hannover Re is crucially dependent on the correct assessment of present and emerging risks. In the process of evaluating risks we are faced today with growing complexity as a consequence of the increasing importance attached to various aspects of sustainability. These emerging risks have recently included not only the rising prevalence of geopolitical and economic uncertainties but also developments such as demographic change, shifting mobility patterns in populations, increasing digitalisation and the resulting cyber risks as well as climate changes and the associated discussions centred on food and water security. By organising topically specific conferences, visiting clients and attending trade fairs and expert gatherings we enable our customers to share our knowledge and we use the internally and externally acquired insights in order to be able to offer them better or innovative (re)insurance solutions and to strengthen our customer relationships.

When it comes to the management of our investment portfolio, we aim to generate a commensurate market return in the interests of our clients and shareholders. This is done in accordance with our Sustainability Strategy by incorporating ESG (environmental, social and governance) criteria into our investment policy. Specifically, since 2012 we have been guided by the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact and thus also recognise the aspects of human rights, working conditions, the environment and anti-corruption. Since 2013 our investments have been reviewed half-yearly to verify compliance with these ESG standards. If a breach of the criteria is identified, we part with the instrument in question and exclude it from our investment universe. As we develop and continuously review our investment strategy, we work together with an established service provider that specialises in sustainability. In the context of our Sustainability Strategy we have set ourselves the goal of expanding our ESG guidelines for investment management. We intend to refine our ESG Investment Policy, including the development of positive screening.



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