4.4 Major disposals and retirements
After its business had already been completely wound up in the previous year, Hannover Re PCC (Guernsey) Ltd., a so-called protected cell company under the “Protected Cell Companies Ordinance 1997”, was liquidated effective 9 July 2015 and removed from the Guernsey Registry.
By means of a dividend resolution of 25 March 2015 of ASPECTA Assurance International AG, Vaduz, Liechtenstein, which had hitherto been included in the consolidated financial statement using the equity method of accounting, a purchase option on the part of the majority shareholder became exercisable. Hannover Re consequently lost its significant influence over the company, as a result of which recognition using the equity method ended. The company was carried under other participations until the shares were returned to the majority shareholder on 4 May 2015.