Based on our currently available insights arrived from a holistic analysis of the opportunities and risks, the Executive Board of Hannover Re cannot discern any risks that could jeopardise the continued existence of the Hannover Re Group in the short or medium term or have a material and lasting effect on its assets, financial position or net income. We are convinced that:
As an internationally operating reinsurance group, we move in a highly complex environment. Nevertheless, thanks to our business activities in all lines of reinsurance we are able to achieve optimal risk spreading through geographical and risk-specific diversification while at the same time maintaining a balanced opportunity / risk profile. We consider the risks described in the above sections to be manageable, particularly because our steering and monitoring measures are effectively and closely interlinked. Despite these diverse mechanisms, individual and especially accumulation risks can decisively affect our assets, financial position and net income. In accordance with our understanding of risk, however, we consider not only risks but also at the same time opportunities. We therefore only enter into those risks that go hand-in-hand with opportunities. Our steering and monitoring tools as well as our organisational and operational structure ensure that we identify risks at an early stage and are able to act on our opportunities. Our central monitoring tool is the system of risk management that we have installed Group-wide, which efficiently brings together both qualitative and quantitative information. Most notably, the interplay between domestic and foreign risk management functions affords us a holistic and Group-wide overview.
Our own evaluation of the manageability of existing risks is confirmed by various financial indicators and external assessments. Specific monitoring indicators, corresponding notification thresholds and potential escalation steps are defined on a mandatory basis in our central system of limits and thresholds for the material risks of the Hannover Re Group. As a result, the system provides us with a precise overview of potentially undesirable developments in the defined risk tolerances and enables us to react in a timely manner. One testament to our financial stability, for example, is the growth of our shareholders’ equity: the total policyholders’ surplus (hybrid capital, non-controlling interests and shareholders’ equity) stands at 147% of the corresponding figure from 2011. In this context, our necessary equity resources are determined by the requirements of our economic capital model, solvency regulations, the assumptions of rating agencies with respect to our target rating and the expectations of our clients and shareholders. This increase gives us a sufficient capital cushion to be able both to absorb risks and act on business opportunities that may arise. Similarly, our very good ratings (see page 57 et seq.) also testify to our financial stability. The quality of our Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) is evaluated separately by Standard & Poor’s. In the year under review Standard & Poor’s gave our risk management its highest possible grade of “Very Strong”. Most notably, our established risk management culture – one of the rating agency’s benchmark criteria – promotes the development of appropriate risk monitoring systems and strategic risk management. The evaluation further encompasses the areas of risk controls, emerging risk management and risk models. This external appraisal confirms the quality of our holistic approach to risk management.
We would also refer to the explanatory remarks on the financial strength ratings of our subsidiaries in the “Financial position” section of the management report. In addition, the risk trigger mechanism and internal monitoring system are reviewed annually by the independent auditor. The Group-wide risk management system is also a regular part of the audits conducted by the internal audit function. For additional information on the opportunities and risks associated with our business please see the Forecast.